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Management & Leadership Courses

Situational Leadership® - Certification

Course Overview

Situational Leadership® certification can be awarded to an organisation’s internal trainer(s) who successfully complete(s) the three day Situational Leadership® programme.

The certificate is designed to equip trainers with the necessary skills and knowledge to deliver licensed Situational Leadership® within their own organisation. A licensed ‘Administration Resource Kit’ is provided for each of the certificated trainers to deliver Situational Leadership® training in-house. Its use is restricted to the host organisation only and the licence remains valid as long as the organisation has their own certificated trainers.

The first part of the certificated process involves experiencing the Situational Leadership® programme as a participant. The aim is to ensure participants understand how the Situational Leadership® model can become a tool to help them interact with others in a way that focuses on performance, helping realise potential. Self-assessment and 360° feedback (online pre-work) of preferred leadership styles are introduced to enable specific development actions to be planned.

Participants then undergo ‘teach-back’ where they prepare and deliver an agreed section of the Situational Leadership® programme. Accurate demonstration of knowledge and understanding of the model will result in certification. (It should be noted that individuals’ training skills are not assessed).

Please note, this course can be delivered as virtual instructor led training (VILT), face to face, or it can be delivered with a blend of both formats. We will customise the content and duration in line with your learning and development requirements.

Typical learning outcomes

By the end of this session delegates will have the knowledge to:

  • Successfully deliver the Situational Leadership® - Building Leaders programme within their own organisation
  • Be certificated to Center for Leadership Studies standards
  • Understanding of Legal and copyright requirements relevant to Center for Leadership Studies products and licensing

Course format options

  • Public Course
  • Prices available on request

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